Before you begin, make sure that you have GitHub user permissions to manage external apps in your GitHub organization.

Creating an account

  1. Log in to Tusk ( with Google or with email/password. Team members who sign up with your company’s email domain will automatically be added to the organization.

Connect your GitHub organization

  1. After clicking out of the onboarding modal, you should be in the Integrations page. Click Connect to authorize GitHub.
  1. Click on your GitHub organization.
  1. Choose whether to authorize all repositories or only select repositories in your organization. Click Install.

Connect your GitLab group/project

Setting up GitLab for Tusk takes a few minutes of manual work due to limitations with the GitLab API. Please reach out to Support if you have any questions.


Navigate to GitLab group/project

Go to your GitLab group or project from within the GitLab UI.


Add a Group Access Token

In the left sidebar, select Settings > Access tokens.

Create a Group Access Token or Project Access Token with the details below. We recommend using a Group Access Token so that you don’t need to repeat this setup when adding additional projects.

  • Name: Tusk
  • Role: Developer
  • Scopes: api, read_repository, write_repository
  • Expiry date: Set as far in the future as possible (max 1 year)

Create a webhook

Now, go to Settings > Webhooks in the left sidebar.

Create a webhook in GitLab with the details below.


Contact the Tusk team

Contact the Tusk team at with the webhook secret token and the GitLab host (if it is not to complete the integration.

Sync your repos

  1. Upon successful authorization, you’ll be redirected to the Settings page in Tusk. Check the boxes belonging to the repositories that you want to make pull requests in.
  1. Click Save on the Settings page. You’ll see a notification telling you that your repo(s) are being synced.
  1. Wait 5 minutes for the repo(s) to be synced. All done! Contact to do the rest of the initial set-up (e.g., ability for Tusk to self-lint and run your tests).