Set your team up on Tusk in 2 minutes
Before you begin, make sure that you have GitHub user permissions to manage external apps in your GitHub organization.
Creating an account
- Log in to Tusk (https://usetusk.ai/app) with Google or with email/password. Team members who sign up with your company’s email domain will automatically be added to the organization.
Connect your GitHub organization
- After clicking out of the onboarding modal, you should be in the Integrations page. Click Connect to authorize GitHub.
- Click on your GitHub organization.
- Choose whether to authorize all repositories or only select repositories in your organization. Click Install.
Connect your GitLab group/project
Setting up GitLab for Tusk takes a few minutes of manual work due to limitations with the GitLab API. Please reach out to Support if you have any questions.
Navigate to GitLab group/project
Go to your GitLab group or project from within the GitLab UI.
Add a Group Access Token
In the left sidebar, select Settings > Access tokens.
Create a Group Access Token or Project Access Token with the details below. We recommend using a Group Access Token so that you don’t need to repeat this setup when adding additional projects.
- Name: Tusk
- Role: Developer
- Scopes: api, read_repository, write_repository
- Expiry date: Set as far in the future as possible (max 1 year)
Create a webhook
Now, go to Settings > Webhooks in the left sidebar.
Create a webhook in GitLab with the details below.
- URL:
- Secret token: A cryptographically secure random string
- Trigger:
Push events
(all branches),Comments
,Issues events
,Merge request events
,Emoji events
Contact the Tusk team
Contact the Tusk team at support@usetusk.ai with the webhook secret token and the GitLab host (if it is not https://gitlab.com/) to complete the integration.
Sync your repos
- Upon successful authorization, you’ll be redirected to the Settings page in Tusk. Check the boxes belonging to the repositories that you want to make pull requests in.
- Click Save on the Settings page. You’ll see a notification telling you that your repo(s) are being synced.
- Wait 5 minutes for the repo(s) to be synced. All done! Contact support@usetusk.ai to do the rest of the initial set-up (e.g., ability for Tusk to self-lint and run your tests).
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